Personnel Policy

  • To ensure that the employees improve themselves and that their knowledge and skills are included in the work
  • To produce new ideas, thoughts, concepts, methods and techniques.
  • It means teamwork.
  • It means that employees have the job they do.
  • To maximize guest satisfaction.
  • It ensures the personal development and professional progress of the employees.
  • It means education and training.

Our Values

  • Smiling, sincerity, kindness
  • Awareness of responsibility
  • To improve production and service quality
  • Hospitality
  • 100% guest satisfaction
  • Respect & Love

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    Doğum Yeri*

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    En son işyerinin adı


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    Çalışma Dönemi

    Ayrılış Nedeni

    Hakkınızda Bilgi Alabileceğimiz Kişiler

    Adı ve Soyadı




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